Monday, July 13, 2020

A whirlwind of a weekend

It's been a crazy few days for me.  I started back to work a week ago Friday, helping get ornaments situated as we were planning on having a strange premiere event.  All that changed Wednesday That was when Gov. Cuomo announced that if proper hvac systems were in place malls could open.  I guess my mall did because next thing I know my boss is calling me and telling me we are opening Friday.  The next 48 hours my co-workers and I worked out butts off to ensure the store would be ready.

Cut to another busy day Saturday.  It was the long dreaded "celebration" of merger between UMC of Wappingers and Poughkeepsie UMC.  I put celebration in quotes because honestly I don't feel like I was celebrating it.  I am saddened that my childhood church is now closed and although we have a good pastor and welcoming congregation at Poughkeepsie it doesn't feel like home.  It's also hard to explain to Ana what happened and why we can't worship there anymore.  She is sad as it's the only church she has known.

Even today 2 days later she is still saying she is sad and it's not fair that the church had to close.  I hope it gets easier for her.  I hate that she is somsad about it.  I am however grateful for our new pastor Pastor Jody, who tried to make her feel welcome yesterday at service.  It's one thingnto make me feel welcome, it impresses me more when you do it for my child.

Anywhoo I'm hoping things slow a bit because after working 6 days straight (which I haven't done in 4 months) I am wiped!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

(I Finally was in) The Room Where it Happens (Sorta)

For those of you who know me you will know that since 2016 I have been obsessed with Lin-Mnuel Miranda and Hamilton.  I got the cast album shortly after I saw the performance the cast did at the White House (it was lost when my car was totalled last year :( ) .  I have watched every behind the scenes clip I could and I was totally hyped for October 2021 when the filmed version was going to be released into theaters (I was even planning on going by myself lol)

So when Lin-Manuel Miranda announced he was releasing the filmed production early I was beyond excited!  July 3rd was now called Hamilton Day in my head.  The film was going to be released at 3 am (12 am PST).  I told myself I was not going to be up at that time (and tried not to be since I had to work that first official day back since March 16th).

Well my internal clock had other ideas.  At 3:06 I woke up.  And well I put my ear buds in and started.  If you've known me for a while you know that if I know a song I will absent-mindedly sing along.  Well I was kinda doing it, but silently.  I got through Act 1 and then went back to bed.  As much as I wanted to continue I knew I couldn't.

My initial take aways...

Amazing, the cast was wonderful in their roles.  I love people who use their face to express themselves.  I laughed so much at the King George bits.  Jonathan Groff's facial expressions are EVERYTHING!!!

Leslie Odom Jr. is amazing!  One of my favorite songs is Wait For It, his voice was perfect in that song.

The things that were hidden from the cast album were great.  Spoiler alert-you hear about John Laurens death at the end of Dear Theodosia-something that is not revealed when you hear the music.

Act 2 (watched later Friday Night) left me a blubbering mess.  From Phillipa Soo' heartwrenching song Burn, to watching Renee Elise Goldsberry become an alternate narrator in It's Quiet Uptown (a song I tend to quote when someone has passed on), to the very end when Eliza says how she has carried on the legacy of her husband and those important to him.

It was amazing and yes its the BEST seat in the house.  I am so glad I have Disney+ just so I can watch it over and over again!