Thursday, January 29, 2015

To Pump or Not to Pump

This is a decision that has been weighing heavily on our minds since Anastasia's diagnosis back in June.  At that point we were like ok it will make everything easier, no needles just moving an injection site every couple of days.  Done deal!

Then I was told the cost, and I just about choked....for 3 months worth of supplies and the pump it was just about $2,900!  For those of you who know me and my husband you know we do not have that money just laying around.  So we decided no.

Now Anastasia's numbers are fluctuating  a little too much and her endocrinologist feels it is time to put her on a pump.  I honestly feel that way too.  She has her good days and bad days when it's time to get her insulin.  The bad days make me feel horrible, but then I remember she is still 2 and she doesn't really understand what is going on yet.  

So now we save money, and pray that insurance will cover a little more than what they were going to cover 6 months ago and see what happens.  If she takes to it great, if not we can always try again...