Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mom and Daughter date

Right now we're in the middle of a huge thunderstorm, in NY.  Bizarre weather this winter!  Heck yesterday it was snowing!!!

Anyway, I just got Anastasia back in bed.  She woke up as I was about to do her night blood check and had to go potty.  She was awake enough to tell me she was scared of the thunder but not the lighting.  Oh my brave girl.  I sometimes forget she's only three.

Today we had a good day.  We ran some errands and then I took her to McDonald's for lunch.  I love these days off during the week, especially when she is so well behaved for me.

Her hair is coming back, very very thin but more so than before.  I just pray it continues. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Quick little update.

So with me finally taking care of myself I forgot to post an update about Anastasia's hair loss treatment.  We went back to the dermatologist last Thursday and there is a little hair growth!  So we now have been extending the time this particular cream is on her head.

Praying that this is the answer.  If there is more growth during the next 2 months we're good, if not we will have to head to Columbia Presbyterian for trial medicines.  I would really like to avoid that route. 

If you pray please pray that this is the right thing.  If not just give us a positive thought.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Knowing when enough is enough

Since mid December I haven't been feeling well.  In the beginning of January I went to the Dr and started getting better except for a lingering cough. So the end of January I went back to the dr.  Another course of antibiotics and some allergy meds (because we weren't sure whether it was sickness or allergy). 9 days into the new course of antibiotics I broke out in hives.  I of course stopped taking the antibiotic knowing that was the cause.

I have had 2 other allergic reactions to antibiotics.  In the past I've broken out in hives for about a week to 10 days then I'm fine.  Sadly it's not the case this time.  About day 4 of the reaction the joints in my fingers began to ache.  Then day 7 my thumb was in so much pain it hurt to lift or grip anything too long.  So on day 8 (today) I dragged myself to the dr.

It got me to start thinking, I do so much to make sure everyone else in my life is taken care of I rarely take care of myself.  I need to change this.  So today my hands are sore but I am trying to relax and ask for help when I need it. 

I'm on another antibiotic as well as prednisone for the allergic reaction so I know I'll recover.  But this was a lesson to me, that if I don't take care of myself I'm no good to anyone.