Wednesday, June 19, 2024

What's been going on

So it's been a while, almost 3 years honestly.  In that time Ana has been on a new medication for her crohn's which is actually working!  She lost her hair again (but not fully).  She joined a bunch of clubs at school and is just a couple days from moving up to Junior High.

2024 is a year I would love to forget.  My parents have been in and out of hospitals and rehabs.  I came down with Pneumonia in March.  The end of March sucked, my mom ended up passing away.  She was very sick and tired of feeling miserable.  

There are many things I wish I could have done differently preceding the passing of Mom, but I can't change it.

Saturday was the memorial for Mom and it was lovely.  Lots of friends and some family came to share time with us, but getting there well that was a trip in itself.

It started with me not feeling the greatest on Monday.  I woke up with bad vertigo which didn't go away until mid day.  Later on I had what I thought was gas.  This pain got worse as it came to Tuesday.

Tuesday evening I couldn't not sleep for the life of me, I kept crying God please just lessen the pain so I can rest.  I was convicned to go to urgent care.  They told me I needed to go to the ER.  So yes I drove myself there, and I was taken very quickly.

After lots of bloodwork, a chest x-ray and an ultrasound I had a visit from the surgical team at the hospital who told me it was my gallbladder.  

That put me into panic mode.  It was Wednesday, when would surgery be?  Would I be home in time for Mom's memorial?  I agreed to surgery, but the whole time I was worried.  

Originally surgery was supposed to be Thursday morning, then they said early afternoon, then they said Thursday evening.  I ended up being taken around 2:30 (after having a 2 hour potassium drip which was torture).

I think they started surgery around 4 ish, and then was wake by 8ish. 

I was still in alot of pain, but it was not the gas pain.  And I was super thankful that the headache I had all day Thursday from the lack of food and drink was finally gone.  

I rested and slept really well on Thursday night and then Friday morning despite me vomiting right before having breakfast I was told I was going home!  I rested alot on Friday and then ended up (to the surprise of many) at the memorial.

It's a week out from that ordeal and I can say I'm recovering well.  I got back to the surgeon's office tomorrow to hopefully have my drain taken out. 

I'm still tired and resting alot and the pain is lessening.  Hopefully this is the last medical crisis for a while.

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