Thursday, April 4, 2019

To Anastasia on her 7th Birthday

Dear Anastasia,

    It's been another year, slightly less eventful than the last.  You are in first grade now and are learning so much.  For the most part you are well behaved in the classroom, but you do have your bad days.  You started growth hormones last April and have shot up at least 4 inches!  Mommy is still fighting to get you the medication you need to treat your colitis, it's not been easy but she won't give up until you are feeling better.  

  Our dog Harmi went to Heaven to keep Mr. Robert company but Grammy adopted a puppy she named Sparkle.  She gives us all a run for our money, especially when you leave your stuffed animals on the floor for her to grab.

  I am not sure who your best friend is right now, because the girls in school seem to be mean to you off and on.  I hope that stops soon.  I hate for you to feel like girls who were your friends don't like you anymore.

  You still love your chicken, fries and white dip, but you are becoming more adventurous in what you eat!  You love Daddy's pork chops and have even enjoyed steak!!

You have such a personality and you give all of us a run for our money as well (right there with Sparkle).  We love you and I love watching you grow into the smart, funny little girl you are.

So on your 7th Birthday I wish you another year of love and (hopefully) health!

I love you my baby girl,


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Ana! Don’t worry about mean girls! They will always be there unfortunately, but when you get older and are more successful than them, because they only care about superficial things, it will be rewarding to know that you are genuine and worked hard! Trust me, I know from experience! Love you little princess!
