Sunday, February 25, 2018

Moving Forward in our Journey

Part of this is an explanation that I sent to my chorus family yesterday, I figured it was easier starting with that.

Friday morning Ana had her growth hormone stimulation testing.  This is something that her endocrinologist has wanted us to do since retreat in June.  At our last appointment she noticed Ana looked a little pale so she also ordered a CBC.  

Around 5:15 Friday night the office called with the results of the cbc and said she was anemic.  After she consulted with her perdiatrician we were encouraged to go to Vassar or Westchester medical center.

Thinking the closer choice was better we went to Vassar.  We spent quite a few hours in the ER before we were told she was being transferred to Westchester. As it looks like the anemia is caused by a GI bleed.

Around 4:00am Saturday Ana and I rode in the ambulance to Maria Ferrari, and we stayed in their triage area until about 1pm.

During that time she had a blood transfusion and she has definately perked up.

Now we have to look at the reason for the anemia and find out whats causing the GI bleed.  This of course means we need a colonoscopy. This will hopefully be done Monday (2/26).  

Today was an adventure, because Ana needed some specific testing on her stool as well as testing for c-diff we were quarantined to our room.  Unfortunately we found out after Alex left to work.  So we had a video chat with Aunt Jenn during our church service, and then our friend Ange and her daughtwr Alora video chatted with us.  We had a visit from Ana's TA which was great.  During our time though we had to have Ana drink 8 packets of miralax.  Thankfully between Mrs. G, myself and my sister she drank it all 

Around 8:45 tonight Ana's quarantine was lifted and we were free to see the fire truck that's here.

So the next step is that Ana has to poop clear, which I think she will do.  Then she will hopefully have the colonoscopy.  

They plan on starting her on IV fluids in about 20 minutes and then from there who knows.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, I so feel them!!!


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