It's been a few months since I've posted. Since the last post we fought with insurance companies on getting Child Health Plus for Anastasia. Basically NYS of health was telling us that she couldn't apply again until she was taken off of our insurance and Anthem BC/BS was telling us we couldn't take her off our insurance without having other insurance. That was the beginning if November.
So what did we do? Well first it was open enrollment for Alex's job so we did not put her on for this year. Then I contacted the social worker at Anastasia's school and she helped me go through the process of reapplying for child health plus and as of January 1 she has the insurance we need.
There's been a couple glitches we are working through. The dentist she was going to will no longer take the new insurance as of April 1st. Also the test strips we use weren't covered and we had to get a prior authorization form submitted so they would be covered. I had to reach out to dexcom to find out where we get our transmitters and sensors from now.
I had no idea where to go for our pump supplies so when we went to see Dr. B. her staff investigated and we got that info.
And the reason for us changing the insurance, that's happening soon. February 23 is when her stim testing for the growth hormone deficiency. I'm just takingit one procedure at a time.
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