Everyone always teases that parents of Kindergartners are overly worried about the start of school. For me its like 20 times worse. So many things are going through my head and then once a thought is calmed down another thing happens.
Take today for example. The bus routes were released today. At our 504 meeting Ana's principal thought she would do better on a van so I agreed. So all summer I've been going ok she's on a van. I showed Ana little vans driving around so she knew what she'd be riding. Well today the bus routes had no vans listed. So I freak out and text the woman who has been our advocate. She told me to call transportation...which I did and left a message.
I then see on a friend's fb page that the van routes have not been completed yet and theu should be released on Wednesday. That calmed me down...until the mail came and I got her bus tag, which had the "regular" route on it.
Insert alot of yelling from me and another text to my advocate. In my head I'm thinking the school wanted the van for her why the hell don't we have it!!!???
I'm just about to call the school and bug out on them when I see that my stupid phone missed a call, from transportation.
Long story short we have a van and from the looks of the times Ana is the last one on & the first one off. Thank GOD!
I don't know how next week will go, and honestly I am very nervous. So just keep us in ypir thoughts and prayers because I know I'll need them!
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