It's been too long since I've blogged. I've considered not doing it anymore but I don't want to be a quitter. Also if this blog can help one person, even if it's just to make them feel they are not alone it will be worth it to put myself out there.
So last night I had to go to one of the schools in our district to register Anastasia for Kindergarden. OMG its so hard to believe that in 13 days she will be 5!!!!! So after registering the ladies who helped me told me I would have to call the school nurse to just let her know we registered.
So during my lunch I did just that. Can I just say that I feel so much better about sending her to school. She put me right at ease.
Another thing that is going on is that we are switching Endocrinologists from Albany to one that is in our area. I had seen her at a JDRF summit we went to and one day she was shopping in my store. I talked to her about Ana starting school in the fall and she asked what district. When I told her, she let me know that she oversaw the endocrine needs of the district. I was sold at that point.
Now that I've talked to 2 nurses in the district about her I am even more excited to be making the switch.
So much is going on!!! I hope I can do this more often...though it looks like the app is not wanting to post for me, so to the blogger site I will go.
Til next time!
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