Thursday, February 11, 2016

Knowing when enough is enough

Since mid December I haven't been feeling well.  In the beginning of January I went to the Dr and started getting better except for a lingering cough. So the end of January I went back to the dr.  Another course of antibiotics and some allergy meds (because we weren't sure whether it was sickness or allergy). 9 days into the new course of antibiotics I broke out in hives.  I of course stopped taking the antibiotic knowing that was the cause.

I have had 2 other allergic reactions to antibiotics.  In the past I've broken out in hives for about a week to 10 days then I'm fine.  Sadly it's not the case this time.  About day 4 of the reaction the joints in my fingers began to ache.  Then day 7 my thumb was in so much pain it hurt to lift or grip anything too long.  So on day 8 (today) I dragged myself to the dr.

It got me to start thinking, I do so much to make sure everyone else in my life is taken care of I rarely take care of myself.  I need to change this.  So today my hands are sore but I am trying to relax and ask for help when I need it. 

I'm on another antibiotic as well as prednisone for the allergic reaction so I know I'll recover.  But this was a lesson to me, that if I don't take care of myself I'm no good to anyone.

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