So right now I've been struggling to figure out what to write. I've been so inactive with this blog it's a wonder I haven't decided to stop altogether.
Today we're in Albany for yet another follow up appointment. This one was the one we dread, her yearly blood panel. I dread it as her mom because she gets herself so upset, it's truly heartbreaking.
Anastasia is also too smart for her own good too. In the middle of the tech attempting to get her blood she cried out "why does it have to hurt so much?" I swear I died a little inside when she said that.
When they finally got what they needed the crocodile tears stopped and things were somewhat right with the world. She won't let us hold that hand but she got 2 new stuffed critters and a princess doll.
But honestly she is way too smart. The things she was saying when they were taking blood from her I have never heard any other 4 year old say. Then I remember she is not any 4 year old. She is still the bravest 4 year old I know. And I am so proud to be her mommy.