So last post I talked about how frustrating it is that people think that Anastasia has cancer because of her baldness. It was a vent, I admit it. I tend to use this blog to get things out and if people get annoyed at me about it oh well. This week I finally got the nerve to call a dermatologists office and see what we can do.
I'm hoping they can help, praying they can. As superficial as it is, I cannot look at pictures of Ana from last year and not get upset with myself for not doing something sooner. She had a full head of hair and it's now wisps, if that.
So if you can on October 7th please keep us in your thoughts as we take her to yet another doctor (which I really wanted to avoid because I am so sick of taking her to different doctors for things....what parent wants to take their toddler to 3 different doctors), and hopefully get some answers and if we are lucky a resolution.